Florian Sumi — Maître Coeur
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Florian Sumi

Maître Coeur

Exhibition views ,  Galerie Escougnou-Cetraro, Paris, 2017




04 05 06

Lutrin Double, 2017.
Oak, steinless steel, pine, oil of tek, print on paper, print on pvc, lead, caoutchouc
256,5 x 120 x 30 cm.

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Lutrin #1, 2017
Oak, steinless steel, pine, oil of tek, print on paper, print on pvc, lead, caoutchouc
256,5 x 120 x 30 cm.


The Small Lab, 2017.
Pvc, glass pots, water pomp, water radiator, water, nigari, molasses, raw clay, micro-organisms.
Variable dimensions

Florian Sumi, Portrait, 2017.
Raw clay, bronze patina
10 x 6.2 x 6 cm.


Cabinet de bain, 2017.
Steinless steel, ash tree, plywood
200 x 100 x 52 cm

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Worktables, 2017
Oak, Steinless steel, oil of tek, neon.
Collection of drawings, sketches, window stickers, sculptures
97 x 100 x 60 cm / each


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